The Los Angeles Police Memorial Foundation provides grants to full time, active and permanent Los Angeles Police Department employees, and their immediate families, who experience significant financial challenges due to death, injury, or serious illness.
The inherent dangers of law enforcement are known to cause serious injuries to police officers in the performance of their duties. Sadly, line of duty deaths are also a reality of police work. During these occurrences the Memorial Foundation provides critical financial assistance generally not available by other means.

Other catastrophic events which the Memorial Foundation may provide financial assistance include:
- Funding of funeral expenses incurred when the death of a spouse, registered domestic partner or minor, dependent child of a LAPD member occurs.
- Funding for college expenses for minor, dependent children of officers killed in the line of duty or officers who perish while on active duty.
The Memorial Foundation also:
- Honors the memory of Fallen LAPD Officers by sponsoring specified survivors’ travel to Washington DC during National Police Week to attend the enrollment activities for their recently lost loved one.
- Provides annual holiday gifts to surviving minor, dependent children.
The Los Angeles Police Memorial Foundation proudly supports higher education by encouraging qualified candidates to apply for our Merit-Based College Scholarship Program.
Merit-Based College Scholarship Program
In 1999, the Memorial Foundation established a Merit-Based College Scholarship Program for the college bound minor, dependent children of Department employees who are graduating high school and going on to college. The principal criterion in this contest is academic performance, but we also consider extra-curricular achievement and seek to identify students with great potential for continued success. Since inception, over $2 million has been granted to these talented young people. These are the only grants not based on unforeseen catastrophic circumstances.
Applications will be accepted beginning February 1.
Scholarship eligibility information:
Any high school senior who is the child of a current, active, full-time and permanent member of the LAPD who has been accepted or has applied to an accredited college or university.
These are merit-based awards to students who have demonstrated:
• Excellence in academic studies
• Good character and high moral standards
• Extra-curricular accomplishments
Survivor College Scholarships
A primary goal of the Memorial Foundation has always been to provide financial assistance to the surviving minor, dependent children of officers killed in the line of duty and to the minor, dependent children of officers who have died while on active duty though not in the line of duty.
Currently, there are dozens of minor, dependent children of these officers either in college or who will be eligible for college in the coming years. The Memorial Foundation is committed to providing financial assistance to these young adults to ensure they will be afforded an opportunity to pursue a college education.
The Los Angeles Police Memorial Foundation provides funding to spouses, registered domestic partners, and dependent minor children when Department employees sustain catastrophic injuries, illness or death. Please contact the Los Angeles Police Memorial Foundation to learn more.
Contact The Los Angeles Police Memorial Foundation for more information on Scholarships and Grants.
Call (323)276-5970